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| Novanano
NovaNano is a nanosatellite systems integrator and service operator, and proposes full chain, end-to-end solutions: from payload integration till in-orbit operations. The company works with a selected number of top R&D industrials and labs to develop high performance and high reliability nanosatellite technology bricks.
| | Vaisala
VAISALA develops, manufactures and markets data, services and products, solutions, systems and measuring equipment for meteorology, environmental science, life science, industry...
| French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
The website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research reflects the Government's policy on higher education and research. It provides updated information daily on the Ministry, on reforms and policy. It also offers practical information.
| | French National Research Agency
ANR provides funding for project-based research. Employing a method based on competitive peer reviews that complies with international standards, ANR attaches great importance to providing the scientific community with instruments and conditions that promote creativity and openness, and stimulate new ideas and partnerships, particularly between the public and private sectors. Its activity also contributes to enhancing the competitiveness and the influence of French research in Europe and across the world.
| | French Meteorological Society
SMF understands itself as a forum for communication, exchange and debates.
SMF organizes an annual conference cycle in Toulouse. SMF grants various prices for primary schools and for young scientists. SMF publishes the scientific journal « La Météorologie » and informs its members regularly through a newsletter « SMF Info » where it gives information on the other European meteorological societies.
| | European Meteorological Society
The membership of the EMS consists of national or regional meteorological societies in Europe, Europe being considered to include the WMO RA VI. At present the European Meteorological Society has 36 Member Societies.
The EMS is strongly supported by Associate Members, organisations with an interest in the aims of the EMS. Such bodies include non-European meteorological societies, national meteorological and hydrological services, research and education institutes and departments and companies with interest in meteorology, related sciences and their applications, and European-wide bodies with similar interests. At present the European Meteorological Society has 32 Associate Members.
| | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE is the world's largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
| | French Society of Electrical and Electonics Engineers
SEE is a scientific and technical nonprofit association operating in France, and by extension in the Francophone countries. It aims to gather the community of entities and people involved in science and technology oriented towards the progress of theories, practices and applications in the fields of energy, electronics, science and technology information and communication, aerospace, auto, transportation, and biomedical applications.